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"The only truth is music." - Jack Kerouac

Quink has, since their debut in 1978, rapidly captured a place of its own on the international concert scene. The group, consisting of five young, professional singers, has developed a special style which features many different aspects of a cappella music.
Quink’s repertoire is varied, presenting a cappella music of the Renaissance and Baroque as well as works by Romantic, Impressionistic and Contemporary composers. The five singers are well-acquainted with folk song and close harmony; they mostly conclude their performances with some lighter arrangements. Quink has introduced many new works of both established and modern masters; a number of contemporary Dutch, German and American compositions have been dedicated especially to Quink.
Since 1985 Quink has made several successful tours through the United States, and in the spring of 1987, the quintet made a tour through Italy where they received a warm and enthusiastic welcome.
Nowadays the group visited the United States more than 40 times, performing over 300 concerts. Other tours included Canada, the Middle East and Far East. QUINK passes on its skills of a cappella singing by often performing in workshops and masterclasses and teaching choirs, groups and individuals.The five versatile musicians strive to authenticity the way they perform the different styles of music. If necessary QUINK joins forces with instrumental specialists of the relevant era, always in one-voice-per-part performances.
Since the recording of the Vaughan Williams/Finzi CD, QUINK has made many more CD’s, of which Challenge International Records has released the last few.

Featured on

Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gerald Finzi
Songs and Elegies
Quink Vocal Ensemble
Various composers
A un niño llorando - Christmas with Quink Vocal Ensemble
Quink Vocal Ensemble
Gioachino Rossini
Petite Messe Solennelle
Quink Vocal Ensemble